Move the World with Words. What does this phrase mean to you, and how is it accomplished?
In 2019, I set off to create a photo series about Smartling’s translators all over the world. The goal was simple: if we could put a spotlight on the human element, which is so often overlooked in the digital age, perhaps we could realize how words with meaning come to life.
From the rural state of Asturias, Spain to the bustling coastal city of Bari, Italy, I’ve been all over Europe, Asia and South America for the last five weeks getting to know a handful of talented translators. From exploring their backyards to hearing fresh perspectives on communication, we’re giving you a glimpse into their daily lives — and how their passion for language is connecting people across the globe.
Photos and stories by Elisabeth Brentano (@elisabethontheroad)
Rockstar. Translator.
Create electric content with Flavio, a translator by day and rockstar by night.

We love our translators.
And our customers do, too. Here are three reasons why customers choose Smartling for translation.
Faster Time to Market
Achieve predictable translation results and timelines.
Quality Guarantee
Measure your quality, and guarantee results.
Cost Savings
One word minimum. In-platform communication with translators.
How One Translator Uses Technology to Travel Back in Time
An inside look at the life of Daniel, a freelance translator who lives in a rural village in Asturias, Spain

How Passion and Perspective Bring Language to Life
An interview with Oana, a freelance translator who lives in a small town near Toulouse, France.

Let's bring home meaning and work together to move the world with words.